Titus Illuminate

Identify data at rest and ensure maximum security

Data: Your organisation’s greatest asset and its greatest risk

The amount of data that is being created is growing rapidly. According to the latest estimates, more than 25 petabytes of data is created every single day. It is expected that the global amount of daily generated data will reach 463 exabytes by 2025. All this data is saved somewhere, either on servers, on hard drives or in the cloud.

But in many cases, the reasons for saving specific data are unclear. Over 70 percent does not even hold any business value. People may think: “Well, at least we have it in case we need it someday.” However, storing data that is redundant, obsolete or trivial can cause legal risks as well as compliance violations.

The line between asset and liability is fading; your data can be the greatest asset your organisation has, but chances are it also represents its most notorious risk. This is why it is crucial to have a solid ‘data at rest strategy’. Every organisation needs to define its data, know where it is stored, who has access, and how it should be protected. This is the only way to separate asset from liability.

How secure is your organisation’s data?

Contact one of our team’s experts for a personal conversation, so we can assess your specific requirements and tell you how our solution can be implemented.

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Automation Lead

Identify & protect data with Titus Illuminate

Titus Illuminate scans the locations where your data is stored, whether on-premise, through file sharing services, or in Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Microsoft SharePoint, and SharePoint Online.

It studies and classifies the identified files automatically, and makes sure that the appropriate protection policies are applied.

But there is more. While scanning your data, Illuminate also collects a significant amount of information about every single file. It uses this information to generate a so-called Data Inventory, which you can use to run analytics and identify potential risks.

Insight in your data equals a better ROI

Titus’ Data Inventory provides insight in the type, size, age, location, owner and access rights of every file.

You can automatically apply classification metadata, which enhances the capabilities of other security solutions your organisation is using.

Encryption and remediation options help you to protect your business files.

By analysing the results you get a thorough understanding of your data, which in turn will help you to create more solid data protection strategies.

Illuminate supports the file sharing services you are currently using

Illuminate supports on-premise file shares utilizing CIFS/SMB protocols, as well as cloud services like Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint, SharePoint Online, and Box. Please refer to our datasheet for more information.

Protects your data, intelligently

Machine Learningisa generic term for technologies with self-learning capabilities. While there are many different implementations, it basically means that the more an application is used, the better it gets.

Explore how Machine Learning can help your organisation to improve its classification and strengthen its data protection ecosystem.